RARE Horror and Science Fiction Thrillers


Item# assignment--outer-space

Product Description

In the 21st century Ray Peterson, reporter for the Interplanetary News, is assigned to write a story aboard a space station. Tension mounts between Peterson and the station commander, who believes he is in the way, but has orders to leave him alone. Errant spaceship Alpha Two enters the solar system and its photon generators are radiating enough heat to destroy Earth as it approaches. It falls to Peterson to try to figure out a way to enter the spaceship, disarm the generators, and escape before suffocating. Rik Van Nutter ... Ray Peterson (IZ41) (as Rik Von Nutter) Gabriella Farinon ... Lucy (Y13) (as Gaby Farinon) David Montresor ... George the Commander Archie Savage ... Al (X15) Alain Dijon ... Archie (Y16) Franco Fantasia ... Sullivan (as Frank Fantasia) Joe Pollini ... King 116 David Maran ... Davis José Néstor ... Venus Commander (as Jose Nestor) Anita Todesco ... Venus Control Runtime:73 min Country:Italy Language:English Year: 1960