RARE Horror and Science Fiction Thrillers


Item# brave-new-world

Product Description

In a future society based on pleasure without moral worries, love is prohibited but casual sex, now called 'engaging', is strongly encouraged. Everyone is kept happy with a legal drug, soma. People are hatched and cloned on conveyor belts to meet the requirements of five different social classes, from ruling Alphas to robot-like Epsilons. Bernard Marx is a different Alpha male with an inclination to thinking. He and a girl called Lenina Disney go visit a reservation of 'savages' where they meet a handsome young man John and bring him back to 'civilization'. John turns out to be the son of the director of the cloning authority, which causes a scandal and makes John a celebrity freak. John falls in love with Lenina but his desire is ruined by his antiquated sexual morale derived from reading Shakespeare. John hates the over-social but anti-emotional civilization, asks to be sent to live in isolation, and gets a job as a lighthouse guard. But even there he can't forget Lenina or escape his celebrity status.

STARRING: Jonelle Allen ... Fanny Crowne Jeanetta Arnette ... Dwightina Casey Biggs ... Beta lighthouse guard Reb Brown ... Henry Tara Buckman ... Alpha Teacher Nigel Bullard ... Plant Manager Shane Butterworth Lee Chamberlin ... Head Nurse Julie Cobb ... Linda Lysenko Beatrice Colen ... Gamma Female Bud Cort ... Bernard Marx Patrick Cronin ... Gamma Male Valerie Curtin ... Chief Warden Stelina Shell Keir Dullea ... Thomas Grambell Aron Kincaid ... J. Edgar Millhouse Carole Mallory ... Miss Trotsky Ron O'Neal ... Mustapha Mond Tricia O'Neil ... Maoina Krupps Victoria Racimo ... Beta Teacher Delos V. Smith Jr. Marcia Strassman ... Lenina Disney Kristoffer Tabori ... John Savage Dick Anthony Williams ... Helmholz Watson

Runtime: 150 min Country: USA Language: English Color: Color Year: 1980