RARE Horror and Science Fiction Thrillers

Christmas Evil W/S

Christmas Evil    W/S
Item# christmas-evil----ws

Product Description

Widely recognized as the best of the Christmas horror efforts, Christmas Evil is the story of a boy who loves Christmas. He is scarred as a boy when he learns that Santa is not real. Throughout the rest of his life, the toy-maker tries to make the Christmas spirit a reality. He becomes obsessed with the behavior of children and the quality of the toys he makes. When he is met with hypocrisy and cynicism, the resulting snap causes him to go on a yuletide killing spree to complete this dark comedic horror. Brandon Maggart ... Harry Stadling Jeffrey DeMunn ... Philip Stadling Dianne Hull ... Jackie Stadling Andy Fenwick ... Dennis Stadling Brian Neville ... Marc Stadling Joe Jamrog ... Frank Stoller Wally Moran ... Philip Stadling Jr. Gus Salud ... Harry Stadling Jr. Ellen McElduff ... Harry's mother Country: USA Language: English Year:1980