RARE Horror and Science Fiction Thrillers

Horrors of Spider Island (Special Edition)

Horrors of Spider Island (Special Edition)
Item# horrors-of-spider-island-special-edition

Product Description

Eight beautiful women alone with the world's most hideous monster! Eight sexy showgirls and their macho manager survive a plane crash and take refuge on a remote tropical island. As the gals adjust to the heat and humidity by shedding most of their clothes, they also meet one of their new neighbors: a dead scientist found caught in a giant web. Ignoring the obvious, testosterone-fueled Gary blithely takes a midnight stroll until he's bitten by an overgrown, crab-like spider and immediately transforms into a clawed, fanged, hairy-faced bogeyman who does exactly what monsters in horror films are supposed to do: chase women! Actors: Alexander D'Arcy, Barbara Valentin, Rainer Brandt, Harald Maresch, Elfie Wagner Directors: Fritz B