RARE Horror and Science Fiction Thrillers


Item# seed-people

Product Description

The sleepy little town of Comet Valley has been invaded by plants from outer space. Intent on taking over the Earth, the space plants have found a way to pollinate humans, thus turning them into walking seed carriers. Can the resourceful residents fight off the alien invaders, or is the planet doomed to become an alien garden?

Sam Hennings ... Tom Baines Andrea Roth ... Heidi Tucker Dane Witherspoon ... Brad Yates Bernard Kates ... Doc Roller Holly Fields ... Kim Tucker John Mooney ... Frank Tucker Anne Betancourt ... Mrs. Santiago David Dunard ... Ed Busta Charles Bouvier ... Thurman Rudd Sonny Carl Davis ... Burt Mosely J. Marvin Campbell ... Deputy Fraser Runtime:87 min Country:USA Language:English Year: 1992