RARE Horror and Science Fiction Thrillers


Item# subhuman

Product Description

Plot: Martin (Slither's Bill MacDonald) hunts vampires. Well, not vampires, really, but reptile-like parasites who turn humans into things that, as he tells his unwitting charges, resemble the vampires of folklore. His charges are Ben (Bryce McLaughlin in his screen debut) and Ben's girlfriend Julie (TV character actress Courtney Kramer, who hasn't appeared in a feature since this one). You see, Martin was in the process of hunting down a particularly nasty vamp-like thing named Tanya (Dark Water's Paralee Cook) when Ben and Julie clip him with their car. Instead of heading for the hospital, Martin insists they take him back to his place. One look at that and they take him to theirs. Bad move, as it turns out, because the vamp-like things now have Ben and Julie on their radar--so they can either fight back or be slaughtered. Actors : William Macdonald, Earl Pastko, Paralee Cook, Bryce McLaughlin